Friday, December 2, 2016

thlog # 3

Thlog # 3

So as you may have already noticed, I am writing in unusual, fancy font. This font is called Lucida Calligraphy. The reason I am doing this is because my professor gave our class a really awesome writing tip. He told us that when we have “writers block” or are just stuck staring at the blinking cursor on the screen, just try paying with the fonts, pick something “funky” or “fun”. Right now I am experiencing that exact problem, I KNOW WHAT I WANT TO WRITE ABOUT, BUT NOT HOW TO WRITE IT!! My professor is what some have called “unconventional”, however he is able to actually show us things in class with visual presentations and his methods have given me –and several others in the class- a better understanding of some difficult things simply by explaining it in a way that may be very unusual to others.

 For example, Zack uses a method with “Nesting Dolls” -which I could actually say is a move of his- simply by him taking apart a set of wooden nesting dolls he was able to give a better understanding of genres. He showed us that genres are also broken down, like for instance, football/teams/coaches/players/spectators. That breakdown was shown to us with him going from the biggest nesting doll to the smallest, demonstrating the breakdown of genres. I find myself imagining the nesting dolls in my head now, applying them to my day to day life. I never in a million years when I entered this course did I think we would be listening to country music, playing with nesting dolls, or even drawing for that matter. We were going over pointers for one of our assignments, and here comes Zack with highlighters, big pieces of white paper and distributes them to me and my peers. Now we are all wondering “has he lost his mind” but we stayed quiet. The assignment he gave us was to draw our thought process of our papers out, like how we composed it in our mind. I thought it was going to be super hard ,and a little useless. However, I actually loved it! After that class I went home and took a blank sheet of paper and sketched out my writing project on there. I wrote like the title and then set a space for each paragraph and put what point I wanted to discuss in each one, then I stepped back and looked to see if the paragraphs were going to transition into one another and flow properly by the points I listed I was able to see if the following points supported the previous one.

 I have found these “unconventional Methods” to be very enlightening, and I know that once I master them better and get a more solid technique I will be able to be an awesome writer (I hope)!

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