Friday, December 2, 2016


Amanda Amico
English 101-108
October 23, 2016
Zack DiPeiro
Pb 1b
Sneaker Reading 360”
Have you ever heard the term “sneaker head”? In today’s society little material things like sneakers sell for anywhere from 40$ – 3,000$. I went on a website named “Kicks on”, and I was able to gain everything I could possibly want to know. This website is the official guide to Sneaker News, Culture, History and Release dates, and even the best places to buy and sell certain shoes. This website is the most read and downloaded sneaker blog. Looking through this website, I was able to find out that not only are sneakers a very big interest among both sexes, but there is money to be made in sneaker sales, may they be private or corporate. There were images of the new Nike flagship store and all different types of sneakers. The author suggests that knowledge of the new sneakers and their release dates is very valuable.
I looked at sneakers from 3 different perspectives. They are listed below with a short explanation with some questions I think may be asked
  1. Consumer - When did this shoe come out, and what is the cost of the shoe? Whose shoe is it, like the name brand or the person it’s named after like Jordan, for example. What do these sneakers look like, and what is the level of comfortability for your feet? How popular are they? Are they custom aide or limited edition, are they durable?
  2. Seller – Are these worth selling? What does the shoe look like? Who else is advertising this shoe? Will I be able to market and promote this product? How much can I charge for this product? What kind of clientele is this product going to attract? Can I make a profit that’s worth it?  Is the shoe unisex or what age group should I target for this sneaker?
  3. Manufacturer – How much is it for the materials needed to make this shoe? Is there enough supply on demand? What contracts do I need to draw up to guarantee the sale of this shoe and any other legal aspects that have to do with making and mass distributing this product? Make sure I have influential people willing to be paid to endorse this sneaker? How many distributors can I get to sell this for me?
I found that certain methods of reading we were taught in class helped me to better understand this text and let me view it differently. Below I will list the methods I used and why I felt they were effective:
  1. KWL – When reading about sneakers, people usually look at what they already know about the shoe, they look at things like knowing what they have heard or seen. Then they go do their “homework” or research. By doing this they are able to examine everything they wanted to know. People ask questions like what do they look like, how much does it cost? What brand is it? Are they durable? What do other people think about these sneakers? After both those steps we understand clearly, what we have learned. Can tell you everything from name, release date, popularity rate, sales rates, what celebrities are wearing or endorsing them? what entertainers have mentioned these sneakers in song lyrics or even made whole songs about the shoe..
  2. SKIM – I think it is also useful to skim while reading about sneakers. The reason I say this is because, not all people are “sneaker-heads”, so they really don’t want to read the whole thing. So to avoid having to read it in its entirety, they read the last paragraph first, and then they read 1 -2 sentences from all other paragraphs. Or the bold print in advertisements and stuff like that. Reason for skimming is you can get key points without reading the entire content of the text first. Skimming gives you an idea of what kind of shoe, the brand name, release date, etc. Skimming prepares readers for the text itself.
In closing I hope you find the tips I listed just as effective as I did, and are understand why I chose the methods I did. It feels to me like they are going to be detrimental pieces in my writing.

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